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13 Fears About Sobriety That Will Sabotage Your Recovery

You’re afraid you don’t have the tools and resources to help you to maintain your sobriety. You are afraid that being sober will simply be too hard. According to Merriam-Webster, being sober simply means abstaining from alcohol and drugs. Though some people are sober for their entire lives, others may have sober episodes of a few years, months, or even days. Like I mentioned earlier, alcohol was part of my identity. I didn’t realize how deeply embedded it was until I got sober.

fear of being sober

In my mind, sobriety meant Friday nights alone on my couch, watching Netflix and hiding from the rest of the world who was definitely out drinking. If you’ve spent the last umpteen years being THAT girl or guy, partying hard, struggling through the days hungover, and doing it all again – sobriety means an entirely new identity. It sounds like a weird thing to be afraid of, but it’s very real. The more you scratch it, the worse it’s going to get.

Sobriety Fear #10: People will judge you for being sober.

Fear of relapse can keep us drinking for a long time. But the truth is, making mistakes is part of the human condition as well. We are all flawed and it’s not realistic to think we will be perfect, even at sobriety. You can’t https://trading-market.org/art-therapy-for-drug-alcohol-addiction-recovery/ fail at sobriety, you can only keep trying and keep growing. Admitting to having a problem can be a scary thought. The idea of being labelled an ‘addict’ or ‘alcoholic’ the rest of your life can often be even scarier.

But the following insights may ease your journey and improve your outlook. Any big life change naturally brings a sense of fear or unease. It’s not surprising that many people are afraid of failure. I believe it’s part of the human condition to fear failing at anything.

Sobriety Fear #2: Everything will change.

For certain substances and levels of addiction, this is a medical necessity. For example, severe alcohol withdrawal can be deadly without medical treatment. But even if it’s not medically necessary, it can make a difference on getting you through the detox successfully. In a medical detox, a specialized drug UK construction dives amid housebuilding slump and HS2 pause Construction industry team will be with you all of the way. They will provide you with round-the-clock care and supervision, ensuring that your physical and mental health is in good shape. Also, your treatment center’s team will be able to provide you with the most effective medication to help you manage your withdrawal symptoms.

fear of being sober

In some situations, people are scared sober, meaning they suffer life-threatening consequences to overdosing or using. You may be afraid to stop using because you have no idea what life will be like after you do. During active use, excitement and joy in your life probably came predominantly from your drug of choice.

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